Personal SWOT Analysis

Analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with this Personal SWOT Analysis Notion template. Prioritize actions using Strategic Importance and Impact, with visual charts for clear insights into your personal and professional growth.
About this template

The Personal SWOT Analysis Notion template is a powerful tool designed to help you identify and evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a structured way. This template allows you to prioritize your actions based on two key factors: Strategic Importance and Impact. By scoring each factor on a 1-10 scale, you can calculate a Strategic Priority score, which helps you determine where to focus your energy and resources.

The template automatically categorizes each factor into one of four Priority Categories: Key Focus, High Priority, Moderate Priority, or Low Priority. These categories guide your decision-making process, ensuring that you address the most critical areas first.

With integrated visual charts, such as a donut chart for Category Distribution and a bar chart for Strategic Priorities by Score, the template provides clear, actionable insights at a glance. The board view further organizes your factors by priority, making managing and adjusting your strategy easy.

Whether you aim to advance your career, improve personal skills, or navigate challenges, this template offers a comprehensive personal and professional development framework.

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