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Solutions Partner
Frend Digital AS
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Frend Digital AS

Frend creates and manages digital solutions with great value for small and medium-sized businesses. Since our inception in 2012, our goal has been to be a comprehensive, long-term, and strategic partner for our customers.
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Solutions Partner
Non Code Studio
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Non Code Studio

We are a collective of system designers, information architects, and no-code experts. A tight-knit, efficient team with a process-driven, minimal mindset and a no-code toolbox, where Notion is the highlight. Our Consulting & Training services include the following: • Functional Analysis • Audits and recommendations • Development of custom workspaces • Scheduled office hours • Onboarding and training • Integration and automation with other systems • Custom plugins/templates using the Notion API We have been working with high-profile startups and enterprise-level customers. Our combined experiences in these implementations are coupled with professional depth and resolve. It enabled us to work in highly demanding and competitive markets.
5.0 (12)
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
RadReads (Khe Hy)
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RadReads (Khe Hy)

We help companies get more done by working smarter We’ll implement Notion for your team so that you can collaborate with ease and turn your mission into reality.
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
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Automation solutions for profitable expansion. Optimize workflows, maximize potential. I help agencies, start-ups and small businesses like yours set their operations for success. I have over 8+ years of experience as an Operations Project Manager working for companies like Amazon or Inditex. I leverage my professional experience with flexible and powerful tools like Notion, Make.com & Relay.app to set up your operations so they work for you on autopilot (and not the other way around). I’m certified by Notion, Make, and Relay.app and I’m a Notion & Relay.app Ambassador.
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
leverageOS · business operating system
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leverageOS · business operating system

"there's so many people working so hard and who achieve so little" Your problem Tired of working on 10$/hour tasks while you could work on 5000$/hour tasks? Tired of feeling like a slave to your business? Our solution Effective leadership empowers you to focus on strategic priorities, not routine tasks. Just as Elon Musk delegates tasks to ensure his focus on company growth, you can too. It may require adjustments, but the rewards are significant. Our Goal To make you go from 10$/hr tasks to 5000$/hr tasks by setting up a proper Notion infrastructure that works for you not the contrary. (Believe me, Notion is truly powerful, but you need to know how to set it up.) P.S. Are you ready to pull the trigger & get the your true deserved ROI on your time? If so, let’s see how far we could go together & Notion❤️.
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
Aranea Advies
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Aranea Advies

Within Aranea Advies I help entrepreneurs with Notion implementations. For me, Notion is a means and not an end in itself. With a background as a business administrator and coach, I also look at behavior and processes in addition to the system. Only when all three are correct will you achieve an optimal result. I don't stop until something works and always look for the most pragmatic solution.
5.0 (5)
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
The Notion Coach
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The Notion Coach

Dave has launched over 30 Notion workspaces for his clients, boosting productivity via systems and processes that are intuitive & responsive to team culture. He’s worked with high-growth startups like Cadence, academic institutions like MIT, and countless other startups globally. His background in architecture drives his design thinking approach to helping remote teams thrive.
5.0 (13)
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
Cprime, Inc.
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Cprime, Inc.

As full-service consultants leading at the dynamic intersection of product and platform innovation, Cprime partners with organizations seeking not only to navigate change but to accelerate it for strategic advancement. We believe that change is an essential catalyst for growth and progress. With a proven track record as a trusted global consulting partner, backed by Goldman Sachs and Everstone Capital, we go beyond traditional consulting and guidance. At the heart of our approach lies a strong commitment to leveraging evolving technology, tools, and modern ways of working. Whether it's harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, implementing adaptable processes and methodologies, streamlining tools and workflows or adopting cloud-native solutions, we ensure that our clients are equipped with the latest innovation to drive their business forward. As a Notion Solution Partner, our team of seasoned experts works closely with clients, gaining insights into their unique challenges and objectives to tailor solutions using our comprehensive suite of services that deliver tangible results. Our Notion solutions include, but are not limited to: • Technology & Process Evaluation: Identify optimal tools to align with business needs and evaluate existing processes for enhanced efficiency and alignment with industry best practices. • Training and Enablement: Empower teams with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt new tools and processes seamlessly. • Integration and Customization: Seamlessly bridge systems, optimizing collaboration and efficiency while tailoring Notion tools to your unique workflows for enhanced productivity and alignment with organizational goals • Implementation: Successful deployment of selected tools within the organization, resulting in streamlined workflows, enhanced collaboration, and efficiency of work. • Cloud Migration: Seamless transfer of data, configurations, and functionalities from legacy systems to new tools, ensuring continuity, minimal disruption, and improved performance. • Support: Responsive and effective support services for the ongoing maintenance, troubleshooting, and optimization of tools, ensuring their continued functionality and alignment with business goals. • Functional Administration: Efficient and tailored management of tool configurations, user roles, and permissions, ensuring that tools are aligned with organizational requirements, promoting user productivity, and maintaining data integrity.
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
no Inc.
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no Inc.

We provide business improvement consulting using Notion for corporate clients and Tsubatore, which teaches Notion self-management to individuals. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 法人向けのNotionを使った業務改善コンサルティングと 個人向けにNotionセルフマネジメント術を指導するつばトレを運営しています。
5.0 (6)
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
NorthSand, Inc.
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NorthSand, Inc.

Notionの世界初の代理店として、Notionのコンサルティングや移行支援、導入支援を提供している会社です。 ノースサンドは、"人"にフォーカスを当てた唯一のコンサルティングファームです。人とテクノロジーの力を活用してクライアントの課題を解決するサービスを提供しています。デジタル、IT、ビジネス、プロジェクトマネジメントなど取り扱うテーマは多岐に渡ります。弊社は、コンサルティングを「お客様の実現したいことをデザインする仕事」と捉え、1社でも多くの会社、1 人でも多くの方の力となることで、カッコいい会社を増やし、世界をデザインできる会社となることを目指しています。 --- As the leader of the Notion Tokyo community and publisher of many user resources, we are Japan's premier Notion consultancy. Our goal is to bring our clients the same satisfaction that Notion has provided our own team.
5.0 (2)
Solutions Partner
Solutions Partner
House of Spaces
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House of Spaces

Unser Ziel ist es, dir einen Arbeitsbereich zu schaffen, der nicht nur funktional, sondern auch inspirierend ist. Mit unseren umfangreichen Lösungen und einem Expertenteam, das stets die neuesten Entwicklungen im Auge behält, sorgen wir dafür, dass deine digitalen Tools nahtlos zusammenarbeiten. Wir integrieren und automatisieren Notion mit allen Software-Lösungen, die ihr schon nutzt. So bauen wir ein Ökosystem, in dem alles ineinandergreift. • 🤝 Beratung – Wir betrachten deine Arbeitsabläufe und planen Notion Arbeitsbereiche, die mit deinem Unternehmen wächst und sich flexibel anpasst. • 🏛️ Architektur – Wenn unsere Notion Architekten mit ihrer Arbeit fertig sind, freust du dich über Arbeitsbereiche, mit denen sich das Team wohl fühlt und besser arbeitet, als zuvor. • 🎓 Schulung – Möchtest du dass, das ganze Team fit in Notion ist? Als zertifizierter Notion-Partner bilden wir alle aus – von Anfänger bis Notion-Experte. • 🧑‍🔧 Support – Unser Support-Team hilft dir bei allen Herausforderungen und Fragen, die aufkommen, wenn du mit Notion arbeitest. • ⌨️ Entwicklung – Bestehende Tools sollen mit Notion zusammenarbeiten? Wir integrieren jede Software und automatisieren Abläufe – damit du 100+ Arbeitsstunden zurückgewinnst. ☎️ Buche dein kostenloses Gespräch mit einem Notion Consultant über unsere Webseite.
5.0 (1)