It’s hard to put into words how ecstatic it made us to be with our community of builders and creators at our first ever in-person conference, Make with Notion. It was …
Actually, I have a better idea. Why don’t I just show you instead?

The action went down at Pier 27 in San Francisco, a cruise-ship-terminal-turned-event-space. We spent about six months preparing for it.

The main hall filled up quickly. We welcomed over 1,000 guests from across the world—I spoke with two women who flew in from London just to be here. (They’d never been to San Francisco and were very happy to have lunch on the pier with an unfogged view of the Bay).

The best part about a conference like this is the chance to meet people who share a common interest in beautiful tools. There were several Notion creators in attendance who met one another for the first time after years of mutual admiration online. Many brought their mini mics and reported from the poufs we’d hauled over from Notion HQ.

The day kicked off with CEO Ivan taking the stage to share stories about the coming of age of Notion—our values, mission, and how we think about the future. Then we launched a few things we’ve been working hard on this year: forms, layouts, automations, and a redesigned Marketplace. Oh, and Notion Mail!

After lunch, the mad scramble started to get seats for two tracks. As a content person, I’m surely biased, but I couldn’t miss hearing about all things social media and storytelling from Zaria Parvez (Duolingo) and Nashilu Mouen (The Browser Company), icons of their craft, moderated by brand expert Oren John.

We wrapped with small bites and drinks outside as the sun set over the San Francisco skyline. It was a day of good conversation, great learnings, and friendships old and new.
If you made it to Make with Notion or streamed online, thank you—I hope you had as much fun as we did. But it’s never too late to check out all the session recordings on our YouTube channel.
We can’t wait to see where the future takes us, and we’re excited you’re along for the ride. 🚀